Friday, April 26, 2019

Magical Matcha: What Finally Reduced My Panic/Anxiety to Almost Zero

If you, or someone you love, has experienced anxiety and/or panic attacks, I propose a consideration that may possibly help.


In the last 13 years, I’ve struggled with panic attacks and also a more consistent anxiety. Most of this time, I’ve been on various prescription medications, although I have come off of them a few times. Through therapy and some trial and error, I have found some practical coping mechanisms to fight the more debilitating moments. I shared some of these on this “blog” about six months ago.

Ironically, a few weeks after that post, thinking I made some successful stride in overcoming my battle and helping others, I suffered the longest and most intense panic attack of my life. It lasted hours, and I truly felt like I was going to die from it.  An ER visit, Xanax pill, and a new prescription later, I began to feel better, but a lot of residual anxiety continued. All my mind needed was a small trigger, even an unconscious one, for the onset of panic to creep back in. Unfortunately, it didn’t take much at all to start sliding backward, and it kept happening over the next few days and weeks. There weren’t any real-world major stressors occurring in my life to trigger such a severe episode. I racked my brain trying to identify what caused it, but couldn’t place my finger on it. And because the new therapies still didn’t bring me back to my “normal”, I tried a few other changes to get there.

First, I decided to go even further in my discipline of eating. I cut out sugar and alcohol almost COMPLETELY. Yes, it’s very drastic. But there is science to back up that both of those substances can affect anxiety, and after all, I had given up/reduced alcohol several times for my five pregnancies and breastfeeding.  Those measures certainly helped, but I continued to have occasional periods of anxiety and a few panic attacks.  So here’s the kicker, I ignorantly never considered my coffee consumption to be a factor in my mental health. It’s another substance I reduced during pregnancy (although never completely), but much harder for me to live without.  It’s always felt a bit essential to function. I mean, I have five young kids; need I say more? Since I was going full throttle to boost my health though, I decided to try at least lessening my caffeine intake. What I hadn’t noticed until I really thought about it, was that during the time of my horrific panic attack, I had actually been drinking around 2-3 *larger* cups of *Italian* (stronger) coffee. I had gradually started increasing the amount because I was drinking out of some newer 10/12 ounce cups and also didn’t realize how much more caffeine the Italian coffee had in it. Essentially, the amount of caffeine I was drinking crept up over a threshold that my body could withstand.

This realization led me to do some research. It seems obvious that too much caffeine could cause anxiety. Although, I thought too much = a whole pot of coffee. What I didn’t know, is that if you’re biologically predisposed to anxiety or panic (ME!), caffeine can more easily throw you over the edge, and in smaller amounts. Here’s another kicker: as I planned to avoid caffeine withdrawal and wean off of it by replacing coffee with green tea, I made a discovery.  Matcha, a form of green tea which also contains caffeine, can actually be BENEFICIAL as a therapy for anxiety.  It contains much less caffeine, but it also contains some other nutrients that promote health, instead of negatively impact it.

It’s science!

L-Theanine is the name of the substance (an amino acid) in matcha that relaxes your mind. It gives you a sense of calm, improves focus and mental clarity, and increases mood. Also, matcha molecules bind to catechins, which act as powerful antioxidants. The caffeine releases in your body steadily over time to provide SUSTAINED energy – up to 8 hours. So instead of getting the jittery spike of energy with coffee, along with a steep plunge in the afternoon, you get a more constant and consistent boost from matcha.  Feel free to do your own research, and review scholarly articles and studies. 

As with anything promoted with such glowing reviews, huge benefits, and pretty much no negative effects, I approached my little matcha experiment with a healthy dose of skepticism and caution. I have always enjoyed tea, and had cups of matcha with dinner many times when we lived in Japan. I had never tried it consistently, or used it as a replacement to coffee though. So, I ordered some powder online (Amazon), and decided to see if the claims had merit. I began by reducing my coffee incrementally, and replacing it with matcha tea.  After roughly two weeks, I’m incredibly happy to report, I felt a noticeable difference. It’s been over four full months. It’s no longer an experiment; it’s a conclusion (for me, anyway) because, guess what? I have only had THREE panic attacks, and virtually no anxiety in the last four months. That’s less than what I was having per week six months ago. This is the first thing that isn’t in the form of a pill that has made such a positive and significant difference in my well-being. I’ve even been wondering and hoping that I could maybe come off of the medications.

Caution and disclaimer

I am one person with anecdotal evidence that matcha can make such a big difference for anxiety/panic. It may not work as well for others. The greatest part of it though, is that there is no risk in trying. And even if it doesn’t work to treat anxiety or lessen stress, it’s still a very healthy drink with loads of benefits. If you research, you may find LOTS of cure-all claims (some believe it can even treat cancer), so beware of all that. The same thing has happened with essential oils, vitamins, and other substances. There is indeed scientific evidence to back up chemical processes of its ingredients in the mechanism to reduce stress/anxiety though. Also, I can actually back up (anecdotally) the claim that it boosts metabolism. I did manage to lose 10 pounds since I began drinking matcha! Double win!


Why matcha and not green tea?
Short answer: it’s the same stuff, in different form. Matcha powder is more packed with the nutrients; a lot more bang for your buck.

What if I hate the taste?
It’s an acquired taste, I must say. It’s a powder, so it’s super easy to use in smoothies. Also, it’s harder to drink in just plain water, you can make it as a latte instead.

Where can I get it?
Japan friends: easy! Others, if you can’t find it locally, you can order it online. I got mine on Amazon.  There are other brands though. Just know that “ceremonial” grade is much tastier/less bitter than culinary grade matcha.  It’s more expensive though. If you just use it in smoothies, culinary grade is fine. It won’t seem like you are getting much, but you only need about ½ a teaspoon per cup, so one bag/can goes pretty far.

How much caffeine is in a cup of matcha?
If you use 1/2 teaspoon per cup, it has 30-40mg of caffeine.  That's approximately 1/3 the caffeine in a cup of coffee.

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