Do you enjoy going to art museums when you travel, but think going with children sounds miserable for everyone? Here are a few tips on how it can be done...and even enjoyed!
I've learned, for the most part, that food and play are my kids' biggest motivations. I can usually keep them happy as long as I provide or promise those things! While seemingly simple and obvious, here is my "happy kids" checklist that I take mental inventory of before just about ANY even or activity, and each item is particularly important for doing an activity (like going to a museum) that they may not be too excited about.
Ensure they are:
- Well rested
- Fed
- Hydrated
- Have gone to the bathroom
- Have snacks/water on hand
- Have proper clothing for weather
- Have something to keep busy/their minds occupied
- An incentive to get through unhappy times (I'm not above bribing when necessary...). A small toy, sweet treat, or my favorite - time at a playground (healthy and free!) afterward.
**For the most part, these items are checked off right after breakfast. That seems to be the best time for us to do an activity like visit a museum. Then we do lunch, and play somewhere to do something more kid-focused, and then nap time (for younger ones).
How to plan your visit:
1. Do your research and plan in advance.
As an adult, I hate standing in lines. Of course, kids are even worse at being patient, especially if they line isn't an amusement park ride; it's to look at boring paintings. Purchase tickets online, if you can. A lot of times, you can save money this way too.
2. Check to see if audio tours for kids are available. Some museums have designed tours (via headphones) especially for kids!
3. Ask if the museum has a scavenger hunt or other kid program. Some have tailored scavenger hunts for particular exhibits. If not, print off the one I made below! This will keep them occupied and involved!
4. Talk with your kids about what you plan to see. Find some fun facts about the art or artists, and share with them. You never know, they may be interested!
5. Allow them to take photos (if permitted). It's always fun to see what they find interesting. You may end up with 100 photos of statue butts, but hey, it may keep them entertained!
6. Ask them questions about the art, like:
- "How long do you think this piece took to paint?"
- "What is your favorite piece in this room?"
- "Why do you think the artist chose this subject?"
- "If you were a painter, what you paint?"
- For an abstract painting, "What do you see in this painting...what does it look like to you?"
7. Let your kids have breaks when needed. There's no need to "push through" if you can simply sit on a bench and take a moment to rest. We like to pretend we have batteries and need "recharge time".
8. Offer a reward. As an incentive to get kids to do the scavenger hunt, offer something upon completion. While it can certainly be a small toy (or gift from the souvenir shop), a treat from a museum cafe, or ice cream, like I said above, a healthy and cheap reward is to play at a park afterward! Luckily museums are often in cities with nearby parks!
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