This is where I will share my nuggets of wisdom, gained from experience, research..or trial and error.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Depression and Anxiety Coping Techniques
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist, or even counselor. The following information is from my own personal research, therapy, and (too much) experience coping with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'm sharing strategies I've learned that have worked for me.
Don't forget or dismiss your physical health when you're trying to work through your mental issues. There is a well-established association between your physical and mental well-being. I can certainly personally attest that my mental state improves when I take care of myself physically (and vice versa). As with about anything, it's easier said than done.
- A psychiatrist will make this call after a comprehensive exam assessing your vitals, evaluating your medical history, current condition, and interviewing you. An important discernment the doctor will make is if your mental condition is affecting your FUNCTION - is it significantly getting it the way of your everyday life, to the point you struggle in your job, or with taking care of yourself and/or others.
- If you've never seen a psychiatrist, start first with your primary care provider. You may need a referral. Medication isn't necessary for everyone, but it can definitely help and it is worth trying, especially if you've exhausted all other coping strategies, and still don't feel right.
- Keep in mind, there are A LOT of different medications with target different chemical processes in the body. One may work better than another. Sometimes a cocktail of two different medications will work when only one doesn't. And it's also worth noting that a lot of psychiatric drugs take a good deal of time to work, so you have to be patient.
- Random advice: If you're taking an anti-depressant, avoid grapefruit and it's juice!
- There isn't much to expound upon here. If you aren't an avid exerciser, at least try to get up and get moving.
- If you take a regular walk, with a friend, outside, you are hitting up 4 strategies at once (fitness, routine, relationship building, and nature), so I highly suggest this activity!
- Other than suggesting the usual, and somewhat obvious healthy diet (protein-rich, lots of fruits and vegetables), consider eating more omega-3 fats (salmon, tuna, or by supplement), probiotics (there is science behind the relationship of gut health and mental disorders).
- Also, try to limit caffeine and alcohol...and I mean really try to discipline yourself with these. It's tough, because each can make you feel better, but only temporarily. They can be both addictive and destructive, or at the very list disruptive to the path of improving your mental health. Alcohol interferes with most medications, too.
- If you have problems GETTING to sleep, then you may consider medication for this too. I am an advocate to using medication as a last resort instead of a go-to, though.
- You can also try the supplement Melatonin thirty minutes before bedtime. -
- Lifestyle changes that improve sleep: going electronic free in the evenings, especially while you're IN your bed, having a routine bedtime and wake time, not eating within a few hours of bedtime, and keeping your room cool.
- You'll feel better when you feel clean and look better. Make the effort to take care of yourself in the most basic ways. The simple tasks of taking a shower, brushing your hair, fixing your hair, and putting on decent clothes can seem to difficult when you're really in the rut of depression or anxiety, but it can be the first step in motivating yourself to go on to accomplish other things, and may just be the little zap of energy you need to get through a day in which you didn't actually HAVE to do those things.
- Anxiety can cause physical tension in your muscles. Massage therapy will release it! If it's not in your budget to get a professional massage, there are some products out there that you can use on yourself. You can also ask your spouse/partner to help out.
- Sunshine is good for the soul, and there's science behind that claim. A lot of outdoor activities go hand-in-hand with physical fitness (a two for one deal!), but it's also helpful to go outside on a nice day, and stare at the clouds.
- Garden.
- Engage your senses while outdoors. Take in the fresh air, feel the warmth of sunshine on your face, listen to the sounds of birds and insects, and embrace all the details in creation around you.
Practice breathing exercises. One example.
- Give hugs and kisses!
Our brains are active organs, constantly receiving and responding to stimuli. Depression and anxiety are developments of a lot of negative responses. We have to "retrain" our brains in positive ways.
- Set them, and work towards achieving them. Even if they are seemingly small. Write them out and post them somewhere where you can see them and track progress.
- Completing tasks makes you feel accomplished. Feeling successful, even in the smallest of tasks, can give you a boost of self-confidence and sense of purpose. Do your chores! :)
Routine and healthy habits.
- Ensure there is structure in your day. A lot of my anxiety develops when I lack of control (perceived or real). Establishing a schedule helps give you a sense of control. Try to plan your meals, social time, and physical activity. It's easier to make good habits when you have them on the schedule.
Brain fitness.
-By this, I mean engage your brain academically. This can be done through reading, doing a puzzle, playing a game, or taking on a project.
Controlling your thoughts.
-Although intuitive and obvious for depression and anxiety, it's arguably the most challenging...considering if we could control our own thoughts and feelings, we wouldn't have the issues in the first place. Well, I'm mostly addressing those annoying, involuntary little thoughts that pop in your head. Things like "I'm a complete failure", "I'm doomed", "I'll never get through this", etc. The first step is RECOGNIZING when those thoughts come to mind. "Listen" for key words - usually superlatives (like "never" and "always"), overgeneralization, and catastrophe-like phrases.
- Once you notice that, allow them some credibility, but downgrade them. So maybe it's not "the worst day of your life", but "this day sucks".
- Then, try to get past that thought with a positive thought. So you had a bad day, but the sun will rise again tomorrow.
- Lastly, take positive ACTION. Do something else on this list!
- Also, find quotes or scripture that counter your "bad thoughts". Post them places you see them. If you find ones that really speak to you, jot 'em down on post-it notes, and put them in places like your bathroom mirror or refrigerator. Make it your screensaver, or somewhere you'll often see it and be reminded of the positive message.
- Read to learn, or read for pleasure. Reading engages your brain!
- You can learn by reading, but also by doing.
- Try something new - a new sport or way to exercise, a new hobby that interests you, take on a new DIY project, go to a museum, explore a new place (even if it's local), or travel.
Taking a break.
- Maybe your mind is TOO engaged, and you just need a break. Find some time for yourself, if you can, try to just relax.
- SCHEDULE time to relax, if you need to.
- If it's in your budget, and your work will allow it, take a vacation...even if it's just for a day or two.
Do you ever feel like you have stuff inside of you that you just want to get out? Be rid of? We do it naturally, but sometimes in unhealthy ways (violence, addiction, food indulgence, overspending money, gambling). Or conversely, we don't express ourselves, and withdraw into isolation, which is also unhealthy. The expression of our feelings needs to be guided down the correct avenues. Find outlets that work for you.
Expression through creativity.
- Some of us are more in-tune with art or music. If art moves you - go to museums, paint, draw, whatever it is that you find therapeutic.
- If you play an instrument, play it.
- Listen to music that calms or inspires you.
- Dance!
- Do crafty projects. Write.
- Also, journalling can be super beneficial, even to those who don't like to write or consider themselves adept at it. Write for a way of venting.
Just plain expressing.
- I mean in the simplest of forms. Cry. Crying can relieve a lot of built-up pain inside. There's science that backs this up. If you feel like crying and can't, sometimes it's helpful to listen to music or watch a movie that you know will compel you to cry. You have to be careful with what you choose though, so you don't end up feeling worse instead of better!
- HUMOR is such an instant game changer. If you have any particular photos, memes, videos, or stories that just make you crack up every time you see them: keep them on standby for times of need, or post them up where you can continuously see them.
Therapy through professional counseling.
- It's important to note that psychiatrists and psychologists are trained differently. Psychiatrists focus on medicine and psychologists on counseling. You may need both.
- Psychologists or other certified counselors are trained to listen and help you, and they do so as a third party (more objective than family and friends), and with confidentiality.
- Open up to trusted friends and family (another thing that's much easier said than done). While it's not always the case, the chances are, your loved ones will be understanding, compassionate, forgiving and helpful if you're honest about your condition.
- Let them know when you need to talk. You may even find that some have similar issues to you.
- Once you've found coping techniques that work for you, let others know what they are. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Sometimes, people want to help, but they just don't know how - so you need to communicate that. If exhaustion from parenting is triggering anxiety or depression, get a babysitter or ask a friend for childcare help.
- Due to social media, our society is trending toward less and less face-to-face interaction. Make a strong attempt to communicate in person. The next best thing is video chatting or phone calls. Texting or emailing is better than nothing at all, but not optimal.
- When it comes to social events, try to go, even if you don't want to. Sometimes you need some space, but depression and anxiety feed off of isolation.
- While introspection can prove useful in dealing with depression or anxiety, here I'm suggesting the opposite. Look outward. Help OTHERS.
- To strangers: smile and make small talk, be polite, hold doors for them, etc. Send a care package.
- Contribute monetarily to a charity or someone in need.
- Volunteer your time with an organization or church.
- Give a gift to someone.
- Write or say encouraging words.
- Let your testimony and struggles be comforting to someone else.
- Write things down things for which you are grateful. Make it a daily habit to jot down 3 things every single day.
- Spend time with children.
- Play with a pet.
These may not apply to everyone, but as a Christian, I know that my battles have a spiritual aspect to them, and when I find relief in other ways, I believe it's also from God. Even if you have different faith than mine, you may still find benefit and healing in meditation.
Guidance from a pastor.
- Pastors are called to leadership within the church. They have experience in ministering to others, as well as a deep understanding of the Truths that you may need reminded of.
- Going along with "giving", be of service to someone else through volunteering.
Reading the Bible.
- It's where are the answers are. :)
- I cry out to the Lord; I pray to the Lord for mercy. Pslam 142:1.
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